Thank you celebrity readers, Isaac Howe (football), Lydia Olson (volleyball), and Jake Frahm (cross country) for reading to Ms. Reicks' 2nd grade!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Thank you celebrity readers, Isaac Howe (football), Lydia Olson (volleyball), and Jake Frahm (cross country) for reading to Ms. Reicks' 2nd grade!
Thank you celebrity readers, Isaac Howe (football), Lydia Olson (volleyball), and Jake Frahm (cross country) for reading to Ms. Reicks' 2nd grade!
Elementary pep assembly welcomed the cheerleaders and homecoming court. Go Chickasaws!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Elementary pep assembly welcomed the cheerleaders and homecoming court. Go Chickasaws!
Congratulations to the king and queen candidates! Gavin Rings is the 2021 King!
over 3 years ago, Matt Manson
MS students enjoying some outdoor activities!!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
MS students enjoying some outdoor activities!!7
MS students enjoying some outdoor activities!!
MS students enjoying some outdoor activities!!
MS students enjoying some outdoor activities!!
Reminder: We will have one hour early dismissal due to the homecoming parade tomorrow afternoon.
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Celebrity readers, Tyler (football) and Carlee (volleyball), read to the second graders in Mrs. Nuss’s classroom.
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Celebrity readers, Tyler (football) and Carlee (volleyball), read to the second graders in Mrs. Nuss’s classroom.
Celebrity readers, Tyler (football) and Carlee (volleyball), read to the second graders in Mrs. Nuss’s classroom.
Miss Bredman's class loved having Joshua Scott, Kelsey Klassen, Emily Jackson, and Natalie Marr join their class to read and play centers. Having celebrity readers for homecoming is a class favorite!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Miss Bredman's class loved having Joshua Scott, Kelsey Klassen, Emily Jackson, and Natalie Marr join their class to read and play centers. Having celebrity readers for homecoming is a class favorite!
Miss Bredman's class loved having Joshua Scott, Kelsey Klassen, Emily Jackson, and Natalie Marr join their class to read and play centers. Having celebrity readers for homecoming is a class favorite!
Miss Bredman's class loved having Joshua Scott, Kelsey Klassen, Emily Jackson, and Natalie Marr join their class to read and play centers. Having celebrity readers for homecoming is a class favorite!
Miss Bredman's class loved having Joshua Scott, Kelsey Klassen, Emily Jackson, and Natalie Marr join their class to read and play centers. Having celebrity readers for homecoming is a class favorite!
Our Little Chickasaws gave a great welcome to our Big Chickasaws as Celebrity Readers! Our littles really look up to these student athletes and enjoyed listening to stories, talking with them, and playing some fun games.
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Our Little Chickasaws gave a great welcome to our Big Chickasaws as Celebrity Readers! Our littles really look up to these student athletes and enjoyed listening to stories, talking with them, and playing some fun games.
Our Little Chickasaws gave a great welcome to our Big Chickasaws as Celebrity Readers! Our littles really look up to these student athletes and enjoyed listening to stories, talking with them, and playing some fun games.
Our Little Chickasaws gave a great welcome to our Big Chickasaws as Celebrity Readers! Our littles really look up to these student athletes and enjoyed listening to stories, talking with them, and playing some fun games.
Our Little Chickasaws gave a great welcome to our Big Chickasaws as Celebrity Readers! Our littles really look up to these student athletes and enjoyed listening to stories, talking with them, and playing some fun games.
Good luck to the varsity volleyball team! They will travel to Janesville High School to play against the multiple schools. Go Chickasaws!!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Junior Parents, This year, we will be administering the Iowa Youth Survey to all junior students on October 12th. Please see the letter attached, and return only if your student does NOT plan on completing the survey. Thank you! Padres Junior, Este año, administraremos la Encuesta de jóvenes de Iowa a todos los estudiantes de tercer año el 12 de octubre. Por favor vea la carta adjunta y devuélvala solo si su estudiante NO planea completar la encuesta. ¡Gracias! English version: Spanish version:
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Middle school dress up winners today for Country vs Country club and Middle School staff picture.
over 3 years ago, Brad Schmitt
The High School students and teachers are having fun dressing up for our homecoming celebration! Go Chickasaws!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
The High School students and teachers are having fun dressing up for our homecoming celebration! Go Chickasaws!
The High School students and teachers are having fun dressing up for our homecoming celebration! Go Chickasaws!
The High School students and teachers are having fun dressing up for our homecoming celebration! Go Chickasaws!
The High School students and teachers are having fun dressing up for our homecoming celebration! Go Chickasaws!
Students and Teachers celebrating All American day together by dressing up on Tuesday of Homecoming week! Annala and Luca celebrate being All American at the Pep Assembly on Tuesday of Homecoming week!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Students and Teachers celebrating All American day together by dressing up on Tuesday of Homecoming week! Annala and Luca celebrate being All American at the Pep Assembly on Tuesday of Homecoming week!
Students and Teachers celebrating All American day together by dressing up on Tuesday of Homecoming week! Annala and Luca celebrate being All American at the Pep Assembly on Tuesday of Homecoming week!
All American dress winners and staff. Go Chickasaws.
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
All American dress winners and staff. Go Chickasaws.
All American dress winners and staff. Go Chickasaws.
All American dress winners and staff. Go Chickasaws.
All American dress winners and staff. Go Chickasaws.
Homecoming decorating at the Middle School.
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Homecoming decorating at the Middle School.
Homecoming decorating at the Middle School.
Homecoming decorating at the Middle School.
A couple fun photos of the 2021 Homecoming Court!!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
A couple fun photos of the 2021 Homecoming Court!!
A couple fun photos of the 2021 Homecoming Court!!
Here is a great picture of our Homecoming Court! We are getting ready for our kickoff Pep Rally!
over 3 years ago, Matt Manson
Homecoming Court  2021
Mrs. Reetz came in and did a mindfulness/yoga lesson with the elementary students today!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Mrs. Reetz came in and did a mindfulness/yoga lesson with the elementary students today!
Mrs. Reetz came in and did a mindfulness/yoga lesson with the elementary students today!
Good luck to the volleyball teams! They will play against Decorah at home. The first game will start at 5 pm. Go Chickasaws!!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Good luck to the Cross Country team! They will travel to Waukon golf course to run against Waukon. Go Chickasaws!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy