Candy Bar Lab: Fourth graders learn the steps to the scientific method using candy bars!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Candy Bar Lab:  Fourth graders learn the steps to the scientific method using candy bars!
Candy Bar Lab:  Fourth graders learn the steps to the scientific method using candy bars!
Candy Bar Lab:  Fourth graders learn the steps to the scientific method using candy bars!
Thank you, Joanne Tupper, for talking to New Hampton fourth graders about your farming operation. We enjoyed your visit! Stay safe during your harvest on the farm. 🚜 🌽
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Thank you, Joanne Tupper, for talking to New Hampton fourth graders about your farming operation. We enjoyed your visit! Stay safe during your harvest on the farm. 🚜 🌽
Friday night lights! Let’s go Chickasaw’s!
over 3 years ago, Matt Manson
NHMS News just released their second episode! Watch to find out what is happening at NHMS!
over 3 years ago, Brad Schmitt
To celebrate finishing the book "The Outsiders" the 8th graders had a Greaser vs Soc dress up day today. Here are the top three! Mrs. ten Hoeve even got in on the fun!
over 3 years ago, Brad Schmitt
Ms. ten Hoeve
Today 7th graders had the amazing experience of listening to and interviewing Lou Arens, a Turkey Valley graduate, and former news anchor who was in the Florida classroom with President Bush when he received the news of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Students heard Lou's story and learned about journalism and interviewing techniques they can use as they work on their own projects.
over 3 years ago, Brad Schmitt
Class Zoom
For those that missed Carter on tv today, here is the video broadcast. Nice interview Carter!
over 3 years ago, Matt Manson
Congratulations! to Caitlyn Rochford, the 2021 Homecoming Queen.
over 3 years ago, Jay Jurrens
homecoming candidates
Dedication at its best! Rain didn’t keep this group away from celebrating homecoming!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
Dedication at its best! Rain didn’t keep this group away from celebrating homecoming!
Pictures of our middle school dress up winners decked out with Chickasaw pride. Hope to see everyone at tonight’s game. Go Chickasaws!
over 3 years ago, Brad Schmitt
7/8 winners
5/6 winners
5th-8th grade Chickasaw Leadership Team (CLT) members planned a great homecoming week for the middle school! Way to go CLT!!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
5th-8th grade Chickasaw Leadership Team (CLT) members planned a great homecoming week for the middle school! Way to go CLT!!
Here is a link to the Homecoming Court video created by the students! Great job! Go Chickasaws!
over 3 years ago, Matt Manson
Good luck to the football team tonight at home vs. Crestwood! Freshman game at 5:00 p.m.; varsity at 7:30. Good luck to the cross-country team tomorrow in Independence!
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
September TRIBE students of the month. The one with the kids sitting could say: NHE had help with some 4th graders to demonstrate what good sportsmanship looks like at the TRIBE assembly.
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
September TRIBE students of the month.  The one with the kids sitting could say: NHE had help with some 4th graders to demonstrate what good sportsmanship looks like at the TRIBE assembly.
September TRIBE students of the month.  The one with the kids sitting could say: NHE had help with some 4th graders to demonstrate what good sportsmanship looks like at the TRIBE assembly.
A photo of Good Sportsmanship has been going viral on social media between Mario Hoefer of Charles City and Carter Steinlage of New Hampton. Mario was helping Carter work out a cramp during the game and the image was caught by Wendy Hegtvedt Luft. This has been shown on local and national news. It has even made Sports Center. On Monday, September 27th, Carter and Mario will be zooming in with GMA3 at 9:10. Please watch and support our students and conference sportsmanship!
over 3 years ago, Matt Manson
This is a 3rd grade project with Twin Ponds Nature Center. The system is called Hydroponics system, which means the 3rd graders will grow plants from seeds in our classroom which will eventually be transferred to the aquarium. Soon fish will be added to the tank and the filtered water will be used to provide nutrients for the plants to grow above the tank. We plan to grow lettuce, spinach, peas, pumpkins, dill, kale, and chives.
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
This is a 3rd grade project with Twin Ponds Nature Center. The system is called Hydroponics system, which means the 3rd graders will grow plants from seeds in our classroom which will eventually be transferred to the aquarium.  Soon fish will be added to the tank and the filtered water will be used to provide nutrients for the plants to grow above the tank.  We plan to grow lettuce, spinach, peas, pumpkins, dill, kale, and chives.
This is a 3rd grade project with Twin Ponds Nature Center. The system is called Hydroponics system, which means the 3rd graders will grow plants from seeds in our classroom which will eventually be transferred to the aquarium.  Soon fish will be added to the tank and the filtered water will be used to provide nutrients for the plants to grow above the tank.  We plan to grow lettuce, spinach, peas, pumpkins, dill, kale, and chives.
This is a 3rd grade project with Twin Ponds Nature Center. The system is called Hydroponics system, which means the 3rd graders will grow plants from seeds in our classroom which will eventually be transferred to the aquarium.  Soon fish will be added to the tank and the filtered water will be used to provide nutrients for the plants to grow above the tank.  We plan to grow lettuce, spinach, peas, pumpkins, dill, kale, and chives.
This is a 3rd grade project with Twin Ponds Nature Center. The system is called Hydroponics system, which means the 3rd graders will grow plants from seeds in our classroom which will eventually be transferred to the aquarium.  Soon fish will be added to the tank and the filtered water will be used to provide nutrients for the plants to grow above the tank.  We plan to grow lettuce, spinach, peas, pumpkins, dill, kale, and chives.
The middle school had a homecoming poster contest. Here are the winning poster for each grade level: 5th grade: Paige Stumme 6th grade: Vanessa Salas 7th grade: Brenna Throndson 8th grade: Olivia Eichenberger Overall winner: Vanessa Salas
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
The middle school had a homecoming poster contest. Here are the winning poster for each grade level:  5th grade: Paige Stumme 6th grade: Vanessa Salas 7th grade: Brenna Throndson 8th grade: Olivia Eichenberger  Overall winner: Vanessa Salas
The middle school had a homecoming poster contest. Here are the winning poster for each grade level:  5th grade: Paige Stumme 6th grade: Vanessa Salas 7th grade: Brenna Throndson 8th grade: Olivia Eichenberger  Overall winner: Vanessa Salas
The middle school had a homecoming poster contest. Here are the winning poster for each grade level:  5th grade: Paige Stumme 6th grade: Vanessa Salas 7th grade: Brenna Throndson 8th grade: Olivia Eichenberger  Overall winner: Vanessa Salas
The middle school had a homecoming poster contest. Here are the winning poster for each grade level:  5th grade: Paige Stumme 6th grade: Vanessa Salas 7th grade: Brenna Throndson 8th grade: Olivia Eichenberger  Overall winner: Vanessa Salas
7th and 8th grade Art Intervention classes created these awesome CHICKASAWS letters. Go Chickasaws! Good luck on the game tonight!❤️
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy
7th and 8th grade Art Intervention  classes created these awesome CHICKASAWS letters.  Go Chickasaws! Good luck on the game tonight!❤️
Student winners for Beach Day yesterday, staff picture and outdoor fun. Students are having a blast with homecoming festivities.
over 3 years ago, Brad Schmitt
5/6 winners
staff picture
7/8 winners
The 8th grade students in Mr Rude’s class are creating a weekly Friday news release called the Friday Update. You can hear it each Friday on 95.1 The Bull, as well as tuning in to the podcast version that will also come out on Fridays. We’re currently available on Anchor and Spotify and will soon be on additional platforms.
over 3 years ago, Kyle Hennessy