Reminder on tonights JH Boys basketball games. The 7th grade game is in the “New gym” at Charles City. The 8th grade game is home in the elementary gym. Tomorrow the boys will have practice at 6:30am in the competition gym.
Mrs. Throndson received the McElroy Excellence in Education Enrichment Grants for the project “Creative Creations”. Keystone AEA has partnered with the R.J. McElroy Trust for approximately twenty years to provide teachers with grant money to fund innovative classroom projects. Keystone provides administrative support for the application/selection process while McElroy Trust provides $29,000 for the grant awards
Mrs. Throndson's project was Creative Creations. This is a project in which students will be organizing and operating a small business out of the library. Students will develop entrepreneurship, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. They will also learn many math skills such as budgeting, making and counting back change, and buying materials in order to create items to sell.
Good luck to the girls and boys basketball teams tonight at home vs. Columbus Catholic. 9th grade boys start at 4:15 p.m. in the MS gym & JV girls start at 4:15 p.m. in the HS gym followed by JV boys, V girls, & V boys.
High School J-Term Showcase night is Wednesday, January 19th from 3pm to 5 pm. Please join us in the old gym for the students to present their learnings to the public! Our Fashion show will begin at 4:30.
If anyone is trying to join the board meeting through Zoom, the passcode is 763303.
Students at the NEIC Honor Band today got the opportunity to Zoom with composer Cait Nishimura. They are performing her piece "Chasing Sunlight." She talked with students about being a composer and how she came to write the song they are performing. A unique experience for our conference musicians!
Check out NHMS New latest episode!
The starting time for the Doc Carr wrestling duals on 1/15/2022 has been moved back to 12:00 pm or noon. All corresponding times are moved back two hours.
Students enjoyed subway as a group. Also the students that were chosen by our interviewers received some Chickasaw swag in front of class. Great job 8th graders.
Another successful Career Week. I want to thank all the business professionals that took time to interview our 8th graders today. A lot of positive comments and critiques were shared.
No school on Friday due to weather. High school Jterm Showcase Night moved to Wednesday, January 19th from 3-5 pm. This will take place in the old high school gym.
Thank you senior wrestlers, managers and cheerleaders for all of your hard work leading NHTV wrestling!
The Construction Equipment Operator Mobile Simulator visited New Hampton High School Wednesday, January 12th for 8th Grade Career Week. Roughly 75 8th graders from New Hampton Middle School and St. Joseph Community School had the opportunity to learn about construction trades in partnership with Roger Solberg, EOT Consultant/Trainer, Lydia Gaunitz, Project Foreman at JB Holland, Jordan Pauley Recruiter/Training Director at Croell and NICC. To learn more about construction trades through NICC, click: Be in demand!
Cruisin' Futures students visited Iowa State University today. A special thank you to Jake Zwanziger, a graduate of New Hampton High School and current ISU senior, for taking time out of his day to give our students a tour of campus. Quote of the day: "What you put into college is what you are going to get out of it."
Photos from Get Fit JTerm Class.
Students went to The Gym - Crossfit Kilo in Cedar Falls, IA
New Hampton High School is looking for two softball coaches for the 2022 summer season. New Hampton is in need of a Head Varsity softball coach as well as a JJV coach. The JJV is primarily 8th-9th graders who play their games in the morning. All interested applicants should contact activities director Scott Frerichs at New Hampton High School. Phone #: 641 394-5065
2022 School of Rock History Class at the Surf Ballroom
School of rock J term class picture at rock 108
Good luck to the JV & Varsity wrestlers tonight! The wrestling Tournament will start at 6:15pm at home. It is also senior parent night. Go Chickasaws!!
The Students went ice fishing for the J-Term class.