Foods I Class was asked to make a cake...without using a recipe! The students chose their ingredients, guessed on their measurements, and baked until golden brown. They learned that step by step directions, ingredient list, measurements, time, and temperature would aid them greatly in making a cake! All parts of a recipe.
Advanced Foods Class has been learning about different kinds of sandwiches and the origins from around the world. The pictures are from their Sandwich Lab. The students learn on commercial equipment; which will help them transition into the workforce.
Reminder: Parent-Teacher Conference sign up closes tomorrow at 8:00am for those wishing to schedule with an elementary/middle school teacher. Looking forward to seeing you all on either the 22nd or 24th.
Latest edition of NHMS News!
Reminder for High School Parents that call to report student absences according to the handbook.
New Hampton Community Schools will determine what are considered excused absences. This determination will be made by the principal/designee, not by parent/guardian. The school principal will consider the following factors and examples when determining if a student is excused.
Medical documented illness (from doctor, school nurse, etc.)
Medical documented appointments (physician, dentist, mental health,etc.)
Personal illness reported (if chronic illness is happening, doctor note may be required)
Court documented appointments
School sponsored activities
College visits (HS)
Family vacation, which have been given prior administrative approval.
Approval of building principal
Parents not giving a valid reason even calling in students will result in the student being marked unexcused resulting in students not being able to make up work or assessments according to the teacher's syllabi.
Good luck to the boys Track & Field participants at the indoor meet at Iowa State!
We will not have school on Monday, March 14 due to the Teacher Inservice.
Good luck to the following is a list of students who will perform the State Individual Speech Contest at Clear Lake High School this Saturday (March 12). Catherine Pethoud, Cam McMorris, AJ Vetter, Annala Elliott, Sarah Eiler, Luca Moody, Cherish Larson, Beth Pickar, Karla Pickar and Olivia Hoy. Some students have multiple events.
Book Fair at the MS/HS library will have extended hours on Thursday, March 10! The book fair will run until 5:30pm. Open to the public. Please enter through the high school front entrance. Thank you!
Advanced Foods & Baking & Food Production Classes viewed a Webinar from McCormick Spices. We had just finished our spices and herb unit recently. The Zoom had Chef Gary Patterson talking about spices and showed the students culinary demonstrations.
Baking & Food Production had a guest speaker, Deb Hackman, who is the cake decorator for Decorah Walmart. Deb was full of information, tips for cake decorating, and the requirements in her career.
Baking & Food Production had a guest speaker, Deb Hackman, who is the cake decorator for Decorah Walmart. Deb was full of information, tips for cake decorating, and the requirements in her career.
Parents, if you have not scheduled your child(ren) conference, please schedule them so you can have your choice of time. The site closes on March 15th at 8:00am for Elementary and Middle School. If you have any questions, please call the office.
After testing, researching, and presenting proposals, the redesign process is underway in Physical Science.
A group of high school girls attended the Young Women in Leadership conference at the University of Northern Iowa. Students joined girls from all over Iowa and learned about the importance of mental health advocacy, diversity and inclusion, and using their voices as women leaders.
Book Fair at the MS/HS library will have extended hours on Thursday, March 10! The book fair will run until 5:30pm. Open to the public. Please enter through the high school front entrance. Thank you!
Science Fair results are in . . .
Ella (2nd place), Jack (1st place), Amelia (Honorable Mention), Lillee (3rd place). Congratulations to ALL of our inventors on a job well done!
Six finalists at the Science Fair in Calmar.
Fourteen students enjoyed their day at the science fair in Calmar! They are anxiously waiting for their turn to be judged!
5th grade field trip to capital and science center