Parents, if you have not scheduled your child(ren) conference, please schedule them so you can have your choice of time. The site closes on Monday the 25th at 4:00 for Elementary and Middle School. If you have any questions, please call the office.
Science students in Mrs. Quirk’s second block are testing liquids for fat as a nutrient.
Elementary Book Fair! Open today for parents from 3:15-4:30pm. Thank you!
Good luck to the cross-country team! The District XC Meet will start at 4 pm at Fox Ridge golf course in Dike. Go Chickasaws!!
Joe Beckmen talked to elementary school Kids. They had fun with him!
Enjoy the short video clip.
“It’s not about changing the world, it’s about changing one person’s day!” Be a Difference maker!
Elementary Book Fair! Open today for parents from 3:15-4:30pm. Thank you!
New Hampton football will play in the first round playoffs at North Fayette Valley this Friday evening, October 22, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets must be purchased online through the IHSAA. No Passes Will Be Accepted. Click the link below to get your tickets.
After the purchase of your tickets, you will receive a QR code, most through your email, some might have the Hometown app. That code is your ticket into the game and gets scanned at the gate.
Congratulations to the newly inducted National Honor Society students and current members.
Fourth graders learned the importance of having a positive growth mindset. They created a poster of positive messages to display on their lockers. We are excited for parents to see them when they come to parent-teacher conferences,.
New Hampton volleyball will play Vinton-Shellsburg in round 2 of the regional tournament Wednesday evening, October 20th, at 7:00 p.m. at Union High School in La Porte City. Tickets are to be purchased online:
New Hampton fans will sit on the south bleachers (home side). Please be sure to print or have your ticket saved to your phone for admittance.
The New Hampton High School is going to have a National Honor Society ceremony in the Elementary School auditorium at 7 pm tonight. Congratulations to the new members!!
A reminder that tickets for tonight's first round volleyball match should be purchased online at:
Thanks for your assistance with this.
Middle School Wrestling Participants, the middle school wrestling meeting is tomorrow (Tuesday) right after school in the FCS room (old cafeteria). Any 7th/8th graders interested in wrestling come and check it out! All information for the season will be given to the kids at this time.
St. Joes and New Hampton public school teachers were the first group to hear Joe Beckman’s message about the importance of human connection. We look forward to hearing his continuous message at the building level, with students, as well as the community! SO POWERFUL AND IMPACTFUL!
Joe Beckman will speak at New Hampton on WEDNESDAY, October 20th @ 6:00 p.m. - 7:30p.m. in the "old" high school gym - now the middle school gym.
All are welcome to this FREE event!
Good luck to the varsity volleyball team tonight! They are going to play against North Fayette Valley at home. The game will start at 7 pm. Go Chickasaws!
Come and check out the Elementary Book Fair today! It is open from 1 pm to 4:30 pm at the Elementary Makerspace.
Thank you to Tim, Isaac, and Hailey from Reicks View Farms for doing a Farmchat with the second graders today! We were able to Zoom with Isaac to see the momma sows and piglets and learn about their environment. The second graders also got a surprise when Tim and Hailey brought a baby pig into the classroom!
Hospitality & Tourism Class needs the community's help to vote for the best plated brownie. Please only choose one and I will count on Monday to see who the NHHS community has chosen. Thank you! Mrs. Schmitt